The act of being sustainable consists of fulfilling the needs of the current generations without having to compromise the needs of the future ones.
Conversations on Sustainability
The Open Dialogue project explores the responsibilities of designers and critically examines the sustainability aspect of design in the form of interviews. Here we get to hear different perspectives and viewpoints from people who have made it a crucial aspect to implement sustainability in their practice. What are individual designers’ take on this topic? Extracted from the interviews will be their statements in the form of Sustainability Manifestos. Everyone has the ability to implement sustainability in their practice.
Manifesto Design
Manifestos can be defined as a published statement or a piece of work that shares opinions, beliefs and/or intentions. Composing and designing the interviews into manifestos helps promote and bring forth various perspectives on the matter in an enlightening way emphasising the importance of the topic of sustainability.
Manifestos can be defined as a published statement or a piece of work that shares opinions, beliefs and/or intentions. Composing and designing the interviews into manifestos helps promote and bring forth various perspectives on the matter in an enlightening way emphasising the importance of the topic of sustainability.


(First Version)

(Final Version)
Website Design
This website has been made in an environmentally conscious way with the intention of reducing and minimising the energy consumption of the site. The design choices you make can affect the amount of energy in which the site uses. It is about finding a balance between being sustainable and visually being able to get your message across.
This website has been made in an environmentally conscious way with the intention of reducing and minimising the energy consumption of the site. The design choices you make can affect the amount of energy in which the site uses. It is about finding a balance between being sustainable and visually being able to get your message across.