Pollution is a big issue that affects our planet today. It is about informing people of the environmental damage is caused in order to see any sort of change. This has never been as relevant as it is today, since we are at the breaking point of being able to fix prior damage.

Pollution Is No Solution

I chose to base my 2nd year Personal Project on the topic of the environment. This is both on the topic of Pollution with the impact waste and littering has on the environment and environmental issues in general. Pollution Is No Solution is an awareness campaign that targets the younger generation, primary school children specifically (age 6-11). I believe that if we inform them about the importance of this issue from a young age, they are gonna be more aware of their actions and do their part to hinder further damage on the environment since it is gonna affect their way of living too.

The awareness campaign outcome is a school kit, which is supposed to be given to classes with the intent of educating children on the issue. It consists of a series of posters for the classroom, including the Alphabet of Trash. In addition, the children will be handed a small tote bag all including stickers and the educational Alphabet Book, all made of sustainable resources.

The Alphabet of Trash

The Alphabet of Trash is composed out of images of trash by removing the background and playing around with the shapes until it became letters.

Tote Bag Designs

The Alphabet Book 


Sticker Designs 

Website Design

Charlotte Damm